Book Reviews
Stem Cell Battles: Proposition 71 and Beyond offers the rare blend of science geared for lay readers, discussions of political struggles surrounding that science, and inspirational stories of those who suffer from chronic illness and who look to stem cell research for answers. As such, it’s a highly recommended pick for any involved in stem cell concerns; whether it be from a scientist’s perspective, a politician’s viewpoint, or from a patient seeking relief.
So much has been in the news about stem cell battles that one might expect this book will be redundant; but in actuality the news reports have been widely scattered, are usually quite narrow in scope and approach, and fail to analyze all the concerns in one place.
Stem Cell Battles surveys progress already made, processes in the works, and lives changed as a result, with an eye to exposing innovative programs, sources of discomfort, and how international cooperation has gone hand in hand with stem cell research.
It’s a war unlike any other: a war challenging religious beliefs and ethical, moral, health, and political concerns alike; and it comes from an author who has spent decades raising funds for scientists and defending their freedom to research.
Its focus on California achievements, in particular, lends to a discussion that juxtaposes the personal (including the author’s own struggle with cancer) with the political in a rare, wide-ranging discussion that no health collection should be without. Add insights into how ordinary people can help and you have a key acquisition not to be missed by readers with any degree of interest or curiosity in stem cell research’s promises, controversies, and very human concerns.
Don Reed’s book captures important history in the continuing struggle for rational and caring public policy grounded in sound science. Reed’s deeply personal account is a battlefield dispatch of a citizen-soldier in the political wars that confront the search for cures.
Don Reed's NEW BOOK - "Science, Politics, Stem Cells and Genes: California's War on Chronic Disease"
California’s War on Chronic Disease
By Don C. Reed, World Scientific Publishing, April 2023