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Science, Politics, Stem Cells and Genes

California’s War on Chronic Disease

By (author): Don C Reed (Americans for Cures Foundation, USA)

Is there a way to fight back against “incurable” disease? California thought so — and put its money where its mind was — three billion dollars’ worth! And when that was gone, how about five and a half billion dollars more — to build and expand the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine?


How the California Stem Cell Research Program is Fighting Your Incurable Disease!

By (author): Don C Reed (Americans for Cures Foundation, USA)

Thirteen years ago, America faced an epidemic of chronic disease: cancer, paralysis, blindness, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes and more.

Don Reed’s First Book Also Available – STEM CELL BATTLES:


How Ordinary People Can Fight Back Against the Crushing Burden of Chronic Disease!

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