By Don C. Reed
Most of the year, I try very hard to be non-partisan. But this may be the most crucial vote of our lifetime.
We desperately need a check and balance against the President in office. To do this, we must take back the House, which we can do.
But first, some bad news; right now, Republicans are ahead in early voting in seven major states.
  • Arizona: 44%R to 33%D.
  • Florida: 44% R to 38% D
  • Indiana: 51% R to 39% D
  • Montana: 46% R to 29% D
  • Tennessee: 63% R to 30% D
  • Texas: 53% R too 43% D
  • Georgia: 52% R to 43% D
Granted, Republicans tend to vote early and by absentee ballot — while Democrats vote in greatest numbers on election day, so we may yet catch up.
Also, these are, generally speaking, Republican states. We will almost certainly lose some — but even if we lost them all, which I do not concede — there are still 43 states left to count.
So what do we do about it? Obviously, we vote — but can we get to the polls?
Do you know where your polling place is? If not, here is a reliable website to find out:
Do you have your ride planned, a way to get to the polls?
If not, here is something wonderful: a free ride to the voting polls.
Go here and they will help you — free, courtesy of a great group, WomenVote.
Not sure if your state requires a voter ID? Go here and click on your state, it will tell you instantly.
AND — if you live in a states that requires a Voter ID, and you don’t have one? For help, go to VOTERIDERS.
This volunteer group will help you get your Voter ID, including helping arrange a ride for you to the registration center (typically the Motor Vehicle Department), or even help with any fees you must pay in order to vote, like if you have to pay to locate a birth certificate.
In the next few days, do anything you can to help: phone banking, precinct walking, letters to the editor, calling your friends, sharing your opinions.
Remember Florida 2000, when George Bush “won” the Presidency by 534 votes and a bitterly disputed Supreme Court decision stopped the recount?
If only we had had just 535 more votes: we would have taken Florida — and the Presidency.
If only Gore had won: we would probably not have invaded Iraq —which cost an estimated $1.9 trillion dollars — instead, we could have been well on our way to winning the war against climate change.
If you are a Democrat, or Independent, or a moderate Republican — let your voice be heard: now, while it still matters.
Don’t let this election be another “If only…”
Don C. Reed  (sign up for my free newsletter!) 
Don Reed is author of the new book, “CALIFORNIA CURES! How the California Stem Cell Program is Fighting Your Incurable Disease!”  available now at For a 20% discount, use code “WSPY2PP20”! 
Reed is also Vice President of Public Policy for Americans for Cures Foundation; opinions voiced here as an individual may or may not reflect those of the Foundation.

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