If you are one of America’s five million people who suffer paralysis, you need to support California’s Assembly Bill 190 (Wieckowski, D-Fremont), to put funding back into the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act, named after my paralyzed son, Roman Reed.
Want to help? Simple. Send a one-sentence email, saying “I support AB 190” to: Assemblymember.Wieckowski@assembly.ca.gov, cc Jalene.Molina@asm.ca.gov. *
“Roman’s law” is administered by the University of California, and brings new money into our state. Over ten years, the law spent $14 million—and attracted $64 million in additional grants. A tremendous success, the act was renewed by unanimous vote of the Assembly and Senate. Unfortunately, due to the budget crisis, our funding was removed—now we can put it back.
AB 190 won’t cost you a nickel: unless you are a reckless driver. Car crash causes spinal cord injuries; therefore, AB 190 is funded exclusively by a small fine (3 dollars) for bad driving.
For more information, read my article in the Huffington Post: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/don-c-reed/in-a-perfect-world-a-law-_b_817322.html. Or, write me at: stemcellbattles@aol.com.
IMPORTANT: send your email right now; the bill’s first committee hearing is March 22.
Thank you!
Don C. Reed
*Hard-copy LETTERS OF SUPPORT can still be sent to: Assemblyman Bob Wieckowski, State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0020. FAXes can be sent to: 916-319-2120
Want to do more? Send a copy of your email to each committee member.
Tom Ammiano – Chair | Dem-13 | (916) 319-2013 | Assemblymember.Ammiano@assembly.ca.gov |
Steve Knight – Vice Chair | Rep-36 | (916) 319-2036 | Assemblymember.Knight@assembly.ca.gov |
Gilbert Cedillo | Dem-45 | (916) 319-2045 | Assemblymember.Cedillo@assembly.ca.gov |
Curt Hagman | Rep-60 | (916) 319-2060 | Assemblymember.Hagman@assembly.ca.gov |
Jerry Hill | Dem-19 | (916) 319-2019 | Assemblymember.Hill@assembly.ca.gov |
Holly J. Mitchell | Dem-47 | (916) 319-2047 | Assemblymember.Mitchell@assembly.ca.gov |
Nancy Skinner | Dem-14 | (916) 319-2014 | Assemblymember.Skinner@assembly.ca.gov |