By Don C. Reed
Note: I am proud to be a part of the group AMERICANS FOR CURES—but this essay has nothing to do with that fine association.
It is strictly me on my own, talking about my son, Roman Reed, who is running for California State Assemblyman, in District 25.
I support Roman for many reasons, especially his courage in the face of indomitable odds. Though paralyzed from the shoulders down, he still lives life to the full, including supporting his community by serving in public office. For many years he has served in local positions, now he is trying something larger.
He has one qualification that might be missed. For Roman, being paralyzed has given him a profound understanding of chronic illness and injury. He knows what it is like, because he lives it.
That empathy carries over to anyone suffering, especially the young, or the disenfranchised.
His number one issue? Childhood hunger.
“I will introduce legislation so that every child in our state going to school will be guaranteed a nutritious lunch, regardless of their ability to pay.
“No child should ever go hungry, in fear of when their next lunch is coming. Not on our watch, not in this State, not in our towns, our cities—not anymore—because we must care for all our children, no matter the size of their parents’ checkbooks.”
But might not his condition make it impossible for him to participate fully in the Sacramento political jungle?
No worries, mate.
On numerous occasions, Roman has driven from his hometown of Fremont, (which he loves, calling it the world’s most inclusive city) all the way to San Diego—try doing that sometime when you have a spare 12 hours!
When you hear him in action, it makes you remember how politics is such a demanding chess game. When the need arises, Roman can speak with booming oratory, but he prefers to find a quiet common ground so that opposites can work together, to the benefit of both
If you think California would benefit from an Assemblyman who has experience with our state’s biomedical underpinnings—that’s Roman.
This is a man for whom legislation was named; he inspired the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act of 1999.
Can he get on the ballot? He has already met the various requirements, signature gathering and the $10,000 entry fee. He was also able to raise $30,000—but there is the difficulty.
Roman needs serious funding to have a chance to actually win. He does not want to merely make a gesture— he intends to be victorious.
DONATE: so Roman Reed can take a stand– for every child.