By Don C.  Reed

In a moment,   I have a little story for you.  But  first…

Do  you  live in Nevada?  Or know someone who does?

If so, are you  and your friends registered to vote?

If not,  I am sure you would like to be—nobody wants to give up power,  which is what a missed vote means.

It is not difficult to register—if you have a driver’s  license or state  ID. If you  have an ID  or driver’s  license,  you can register on line.  Go to:  VOTE.NV.GOV

If you do not  have a Driver’s  License,  just go to your nearest  DMV and get  one.  You may have  to stand in line for a while, but it will be  worth it.

And remember,  once you have that ID  or Drivers  license, be  sure to go to: VOTE.NV.GOV and register to vote.

Above  all, do not be like that poor frontiersman  found in the  wilderness, his body  shot full of arrows—and in his hands a single-shot  rifle—with its one bullet unfired…

We  are in the greatest battle   of our  time.  We will only  win if we  fight with everything we’ve got.

I am a writer; words  are what I fight with. When November 5th rolls around, I will still be writing. Financially?  I don’t  have much —  the phrase “small dollar  donor”  might have been  invented to describe me.  But  what  I can do,  I will.

And when November 6th arrives, I will join my voice to millions  and say:  “There is  Kamala  Harris: there is our  President.”

Don C. Reed is the author of four books on the California stem cell program,  including most recently: Science, Politics, Stem Cells and Genes: CALIFORNIA’S WAR ON CHRONIC DISEASE, from World Scientific Publishers Inc., available at a discount from:

Visit his website at:
Reed has also written numerous books and award-winning articles on sharks, dolphins, eels, seals and killer whales, based on 15 years as a professional diver for Marine World Africa  USA. His books are available at

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