The agony

The agony

THE AGONY AND THE EXHAUSTION: the Price of Political Change? By Don C. Reed THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY, by Irving Wallace, describes the creative process of Michaelangelo, as he painted the Sistine Chapel. Put a small change in the last word, making it “exhaustion”,...
The agony

Five to Survive

FIVE TO STAY ALIVE: Paralysis Cure Bill Faces Key Committee Vote by Don C. Reed AB 1657: $1 TRAFFIC TICKET ADD-ON May Fund Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act This Tuesday, a vote will be held in Sacramento: to allow the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research...
The agony

California Counts Votes

Cooperation or Obstruction?  California Counts Votes on Paralysis Cure By Don C. Reed What could be better than bipartisan cooperation, Democrats and Republicans working together for the common good—does not the eagle need two wings to fly? Sadly, today’s Republican...

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