Shall Paralysis Cure

Shall Paralysis Cure

CALIFORNIA PARALYSIS-CURE RESEARCH BILL TO CONTINUE? Dear Friend of Research to Cure Paralysis: My son, Roman Reed is the paralyzed young man who inspired California’s Roman  Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act of 1999. As bill number AB 1931 (Torrico), the renewal...
Shall Paralysis Cure

One Rich Golfer Needed

ONE RICH GOLFER NEEDED:  Take a Stand for Paralysis Cure!  By Don C. Reed Got $1,250 to spare? Know someone who does?  If so, what are you doing on May 24? The Roman Reed Foundation is putting on a celebrity golf tournament like no other. Click on...
Shall Paralysis Cure

Research at Risk

PARALYSIS CURE RESEARCH IN SUSPENSE… Keep What America Won! By Don C. Reed In a good movie, suspense is that delightful tickle that makes you sit forward in your chair and wonder what will happen next… In the California legislative process, “suspense” is the place...

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